Billa 2 is releasing this Friday all over the world.It is releasing in both Tamil and telugu.Before release itself Billa2 is creating records in Multiplex's. Mayajaal in Chennai has scheduled 76 shows which is a new record in the multiplex's history. The previous opening record was 75 shows, which was held by Ajith's earlier superhit Mankatha.
One more record is that 15000 online tickets were sold out in Mayajaal within half a day of the start of the booking. This indirectly means that all the 76 shows have been sold out for the first day in mayajaal, which just reiterates the fact that Ajith is the King of Opening.
Other popular city multiplexes like Sathyam ,AGS,Devi, Sangam, Abirami,Fame and Inox are also seeing high demand for tickets. Cult single screens like Albert and Kasi are seeing similar scenes with respect to the advance booking. Looks like Billa 2's opening weekend is going to witness never before seen boxoffice returns.Looks like it is an all India record.
In a single word.Thala(Ajith) is going to rock this Friday.
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