
Why Chandra babu decided to give T- letter to the central govt
Finally TDP chief Chandra babu naidu  decided to give letter to central government regarding telangana issue.These could be the reasons behind Babu’s decision.

                Babu has been asking for opinions of costal and rayalaseema regions TDP leaders.It looks like chandra Babu naidu came to a conclusion  that there is no development in any of three regions of the state ,that is the only reason why Babu has taken a decision to say jai to telangana to  stop the controversy that he is resisting telangana.
                     As per a survey,even in the costal and rayala seema regions people are very vexed with the politics those are going on  on telangana issue  and most of them are willing to say ok to telangana  as they  are thinking that the development of the state is not at all moving and there is no new projects and ventures after 2004,Babu considered all these before giving acceptance letter to telangana state.

And also Babu respected the sentiment of telangana .with this it is clear that TDP has given a clear picture about a controversial issue and they made their point clear that they are ok to give telangana as a separate state,the other politicians who are making alligations on TDP must be for their own and personal benefits.with this decision Babu’s image is going to be  increased in  all the three regions.The other parties who has not given any opinion on Telangana may  loose their reputation in all the three regions.

Naveen Narravula(


  1. atlast politcians starts understanding people thinkings....good initiative by Babu


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