
Mohanbabu skipped Adhinayakudu triple platinum disc function

Mohanbabu skipped Adhinayakudu triple platinum disc function

Mohan babu is the chief guest of Adhinayakudu triple platinum disc function .As per M.L.K.Choudary statement “he couldn’t make it due to his personal work “.
                            Over the last few weeks, Jagan had been sending out feelers and even personally visited Mohan Babu to rope the star campaigner into his party.But now Jagan is in jail due to money landering case  .They require some star to campaign . Rumours are passing in Tollywood town . Mohan Babu is said to have seriously considered joining the YSRCP party after speaking to his supporters in Chittoor, and was all set to hit the campaign trail in June.

Moreover, Jagan is also the cousin of Mohan Babu’s daughter-in-law Viranica(Wife of elder son Vishnu)  .While  Vijayamma going on a fast, he preferred staying at home and not joining any kind of celebrations.

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